
Create a user

Submit the details for the creation of a batch of Authorised Users

The bulkId returned in the response can subsequently be used to launch the creation of the bulk process through bulkIdExecute process. A submitted bulk process can be managed (executed, accessed, paused, resumed and cancelled) by any other Authorised User of the same identity of the user that submits the details.

The status of the bulk process after execution of this operation is set to ‘SUBMITTED’. The execution of the bulk process is launched through the Execute bulk process operation.

The submission of data for a bulk process does not expire but it can be cancelled through bulkIdCancel

The system is configured to accept bulk requests to process up to a maximum of 10,000 bulk operations

Each create Authorised User operation in this bulk process is processed via userCreate

Securityauth_token and api_key
header Parameters

A unique call reference generated by the caller that, taking into consideration the payload as well as the operation itself, helps avoid duplicate operations. Idempotency reference uniqueness is maintained for at least 24 hours.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array ([ 1 .. 10000 ] items)

Success - returning bulk process

Request samples
  • {
Response samples
  • "bulkId": "string",
  • "operationCount": 0,
  • "path": "string"

Send a user invite

Submit the details for the creation of a batch of Authorised User invites

The bulkId returned in the response can subsequently be used to launch the creation of the bulk process through bulkIdExecute. A submitted bulk process can be managed (executed, accessed, paused, resumed and cancelled) by any other Authorised User of the same identity of the user that submits the details.

The status of the bulk process after execution of this operation is set to ‘SUBMITTED’. The execution of the bulk process is launched through the Execute bulk process operation.

The submission of data for a bulk process does not expire but it can be cancelled through bulkIdCancel

The system is configured to accept bulk requests to process up to a maximum of 10,000 bulk operations

Each create authorised user operation in this bulk process is processed via userInviteSend.

Securityauth_token and api_key
header Parameters

A unique call reference generated by the caller that, taking into consideration the payload as well as the operation itself, helps avoid duplicate operations. Idempotency reference uniqueness is maintained for at least 24 hours.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array ([ 1 .. 10000 ] items)

Success - returning bulk process

Request samples
  • {
Response samples
  • "bulkId": "string",
  • "operationCount": 0,
  • "path": "string"

Update spend rules for a managed card

Submit the details to update the spend rules of Managed Cards

The bulkId returned in the response can subsequently be used to launch the updating of Managed Card spend rules process through . A submitted bulk process can be managed (executed, accessed, paused, resumed and cancelled) by any other Authorised User of the same identity of the user that submits the details.

The status of the bulk process after execution of this operation is set to ‘SUBMITTED’. The execution of the bulk process is launched through the Execute bulk process operation.

The submission of data for a bulk process does not expire but it can be cancelled through

The system is configured to accept bulk requests to process up to a maximum of 10,000 bulk operations

Each spend rules update operation in this bulk process is processed via Update a Managed Card

Securityauth_token and api_key
header Parameters

A unique call reference generated by the caller that, taking into consideration the payload as well as the operation itself, helps avoid duplicate operations. Idempotency reference uniqueness is maintained for at least 24 hours.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array ([ 1 .. 10000 ] items)
object (UpdateCardLevelSpendRules)

Success - returning bulk process

Request samples
  • {
Response samples
  • "bulkId": "string",
  • "operationCount": 0,
  • "path": "string"